From Edsgar W. Dijkstra:

"In their capacity as a tool, computers will be but a ripple on the surface of our culture. In their capacity as intellectual challenge, they are without precedent in the cultural history of mankind. "

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Standards

Let's examine the
TL8 (Technology Literacy by Grade 8) Standards to help you identify the skills that the State of Maryland has deemed fundamental to being technologically literate. A companion document to the student standards is Computer Literacy Skills. We will begin with a video produced by MSDE on Tech Literacy by Grade 8

Here's a quick look at the Technology Standards for School Administrators and the Technology Standards for Teachers.

Let's use the Treasure the Technology document to investigate the components of the TL8 Standards. Use your TL8 Standards and the companion
Computer Literacy Skills document to answer the questions on Treasure the Technology.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Science/Math Workshop

The Technology Academy
Math/Science Workshop

The Math/Science Workshop community is now operational. The interaction between its members has begun through the use of blogs.

Let's identify anything technological that has instructional potential in our content areas. If each member will act as a clearinghouse for their finds by trying it out, reporting its merits and then explaining why it should be used we can stay on top of the wave we're riding. Report that information on your blog, or start one just devoted to new stuff we can share. Put your links on the common blog and we can all stay informed.
I'm always available for you. Get in touch with me through the school e-mail, or at I'll post anything the group needs to know here on the Interactive Blog.
I really enjoyed our four days and I hope you learned things to help enhance your instruction. You'll be hearing from me when your goodies arrive!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Monday Agenda-June 11th

8:30 to 12:30
Coffee and doughnuts at 8:00 am
Breaks will come at appropriate times

Click here to download a Word Document with the week’s schedule

Technology follows content

Learning curves

Ongoing professional development

1st hour will be devoted to Standards and Technology.
  1. Questioning Standard I

Please, bring in your two lessons tomorrow on your new flash drive

The Technology Training will be devoted to the operation of the Texas Instruments Navigator System under the tutelage of Donna Johnson.

Monday, June 4, 2007

The Tuesday Agenda-June 12th

8:30 to 12:30
Coffee and doughnuts at 8:00 am
Breaks will come at appropriate times

Click here to download a Word Document with the week’s schedule

Technology follows content

Learning curves

Ongoing professional development

1st hour will be devoted to Standards and Technology.
  1. Questioning Standard I
The remaining three hours will be devoted to Doug Becker and Dan Hortert. They will offer training in the use of the Vernier Lab Pro, CBL2 and sensors.

The Wednesday Agenda-June 13th

8:30 to 12:30
Coffee and doughnuts at 8:00 am
Breaks will come at appropriate times

Click here to download a Word Document with the week’s schedule

Technology follows content

Learning curves

Ongoing professional development

1st hour will be devoted to Standards and Technology.
  1. Questioning Standard V
  • The calculator is the subject for this morning’s Math Technology Training. Sylvia Vannoy will teach the operations of the TI calculator.
  • The members of the Tech Academy not attending the calculator session will be working on Science/Math: Content and the Web. We will be integrating technology into the your Lesson Plans.

The Thursday Agenda-June 14th

10:00 to 2:00
Coffee and doughnuts at 10:00 am
Breaks will come at appropriate times

Click here to download a Word Document with the week’s schedule

1st hour will be devoted to Standards and Technology.

Technology follows content

Learning curves

Ongoing professional development

The members of the Tech Academy not attending the TI Study Cards session will be working on Science/Math: Content and the Web. We will working on their projects in technology integration.

Teacher Technology Standards

The Maryland Teacher Technology Standards have been posted by the state and should be adopted by each teacher as a daily guide to using technology. If there are any deficiencies in technology use, then seeking instruction to correct this deficiency should be done as soon as possible.
Click here to view the interactive site where you can get details and videos explaining the standards.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Student Technology Standards

The Maryland Student Technology Standards have been posted by the state. These standards should help guide instruction when technology is being used to enhance instruction

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Links to the Future

Here are links to software or sites where you can interact with the web. The research on the affect of technolgy on increased learning speaks most loudly in the area of interactivity. Sites and software that can become an integral part of your daily instruction will bring your instruction and your student’s learning to a new level.

Chemistry is a subject that needs a great deal of visualization. Molecules need to be seen and manipulated. Using sites that contain files of different molecules and plug ins or stand alone programs to translate the molecular files lets the student visualize the world of molecules. Here are some links to get you started.

Friday, June 1, 2007

At there is a wealth of free services for teachers that can clearly improve your instruction. Let’s learn about a few of them and build ourselves some usable classroom materials.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Study (Flash) Cards

At ProProf you can build stacks of study (Flash) cards. They are easy to create and can be linked to your website or blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Academy

A wiki allows interaction between you and a group of chosen individuals. Click on The Academy and become part of the interactivity. .

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wiki Upload

Here is a common 5 Gig location for you to post information, videos, mp3s, or whatever that you would like to share. Try it out.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Edmachine at Edublogs

The Edmachine hosted by EDUBLOGS is an excellent example of the type of free quality blog sites for teachers. What a great way to get up and running online.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Vernier Links

Here are links to information, downloads and pricing on the Vernier Lab Pro and the CBL 2.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Dukane Ceiling-Installed Projection Systems

Here's a solution to the ceiling mounting problems associated with getting your projector properly situated in your room. The packages come with cables, mounts, a document camera and DVD/VCR combo.

The Dukane Ceiling-Installed Projection Systems

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Questioning Standard I: Technology Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application

Questioning Standard I: Technology Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application
Scoring Tool

Access, evaluate, and process information efficiently and effectively
  • Identify, locate, retrieve, and differentiate among a variety of electronic sources of information using technology.
  • Evaluate information critically and competently for a specific purpose.
  • Organize, categorize, and store information for efficient retrieval.
Candidate (teacher) outcome task will be to develop a research question (lesson plan), gather information on the question from on-line resources and produce an electronic product (e.g., Web page, PowerPoint presentation) to present the question (lesson) and findings.
  • Applying Standard I to Instruction
  1. Share the lessons that you brought to the workshop with your partner. You may save them to the desktop of your computer.
  2. Now, consider the process you go through to produce the lesson. Any type of presentation requires that you first locate the specific information using standard research methods. It is inherent in Standard I that you can demonstrate competency in your research procedures. Secondly, that you can choose a vehicle (media) to effectively convey the content you have found. Lastly, these are the protocols you teach your students when you have them research a problem. The standard is looking at your skills and inherent ability to model the process.
  • Discuss one of your lessons with your partner, discuss some of the problems you've had with this particular lesson and how you've taught it in the past.
  • Next brainstorm about how you think you could infuse technology into the instruction to enhance student learning.
  • Group Discussion of lessons and application of Standard I

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Questioning Standard II:Communication

A. Use technology effectively and appropriately to interact electronically.
  • Use telecommunications to collaborate with peers, parents,colleagues, administrators or experts in the field.
B. Use technology to communicate information in a variety of formats.
  • Select appropriate technologies for a particular communication goal.
  • Use productivity tools to publish information.
  • Use Multiple digital sources to communicate information on-line.

Candidate (teacher) will create an on-line product that integrates multiple digital sources to communicate information about a topic of his/her choice. The candidate(teacher) must identify the intended audience and justify his/her use of technology to communicate information. Acceptable guidelines for on-line publishing will be used.

  • Applying Standard IIA to Instruction
  1. Standard IIA is looking at the social networking aspect of communication. Here's the list of skills they say you should have to complete the task:
  • Knowledge of a variety of electronic discussion boards and how to subscribe
  • Skill in basic computer use
  • Ability to write and reply to an email message
  • Ability to post and reply to messages in electronic discussion groups in an acceptable manner
  • I suspect that outside of the discussion skills you have all of the others. If you haven't joined a discussion group, or taken an online course, then try one of the links below. You can register in just a few minutes, if they require it. You'll find you've joined a thread and are chatting away with someone in the profession who shares your same concerns.
  • Applying Standard IIB to Instruction
  • Standard IIB seems to contain some of Standard I, but the understanding here is that the information you are communicating will be put specifically in an online venue.
  • Use technology to communicate information in a variety of formats.
  • Select appropriate technologies for a particular communication goal.
  • Use productivity tools to publish information.
  • Use multiple digital sources to communicate information on-line.
  • The skills list for this standard is rather extensive. Let's look at it as a check list for your current skills.
  • Productivity Tools
    · Skill in computer use
    · Ability to generate, format, display and save text
    · Ability to organize, record, manipulate, format and display data
    · Ability to create, access, edit and display graphics

    Multiple Digital Sources
    · Knowledge of multiple media print and digital applications/tools
    · Ability to integrate content from one application to another
    · Ability to identify sources of digitized images, animations, videos and sounds
    · Ability to import digitized images, animations, videos and sounds into a product that integrates multiple digital sources
    · Ability to save documents in an appropriate file format and compression

  • Web Design
    · Ability to access the Internet
    · Ability to analyze and apply elements of effective design in web pages
    · Ability to use web development tools
    · Ability to identify appropriate processes and locations for publishing an online product that integrates multiple digital sources
  • I want you and you partner to indicate from the above skills list where you feel you need instruction. Your selected list will become the beginning of your professional technology training. With this list we can begin to address your specific needs. I want you to e-mail me now with the list. Here's the link to the Boards employees pages. Use the Webmail from School function (assuming it works). Indicate your needs to me.
  • Group Discussion of lessons and application of Standard IIA & IIB

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Questioning Standard III- Legal, Social and Ethical Issues

Questioning Standard III-Legal, Social and Ethical Issues
Scoring Tool

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to technology use.
  • Identify ethical and legal issues using technology.
  • Analyze issues related to the uses of technology in educational settings.
  • Establish classroom policies and procedures that ensure compliance with copyright law, Fair Use guidelines, security, privacy, and student on-line protection.
  • Use classroom procedures to manage an equitable, safe, and healthy environment for students.
  • Candidate (teacher) will read a case study, highlight questionable practices identifying legal, social and ethical issues. The candidate (teacher) will write responses to questions using support from the case study and candidate's prior knowledge and experience.
  • Applying Standard III to Instruction
  • Performing the assessment task for this technology outcome will require the following pre-requisite knowledge, skills and abilities:
  • Knowledge and purpose of copyright laws and Fair Use Guidelines·
  • Knowledge of basic safety and health issues in a technology environment·
  • Knowledge of the general impact of technology in our daily lives·
  • Knowledge of general classroom management techniques·
  • Knowledge of an example of a school system’s Acceptable Use Policy·
  • Skill in using a computer
Detailed Task Information

  • It's time to look at the questions at the bottom of the Case Study. Discuss the answers with your partner and consider your own situation as you integrate and use technology .
  • Group Discussion of lessons and application of Standard III

Friday, May 18, 2007

Questioning Standard IV- Assessment for Administration and Instruction

Questioning Standard IV- Assessment for Administration and Instruction

Scoring Tool

  • Use technology to analyze problems and develop data-driven solutions for instructional and school improvement.
  • Research and analyze data related to student and school performance.
  • Apply findings and solutions to establish instructional and school improvement goals.
  • Use appropriate technology to share results and solutions with others, such as parents and the larger community.
  • Candidate (teacher) will create a spreadsheet, tables and graphs to display and sort individual, total class, and sub-group performance data. The candidate (teacher) will summarize the data in a chart and make instructional decisions by answering written questions.
  • Applying Standard IV to Instruction
  • The task for this technology standard will require the following knowledge, skills and abilities:
  • Knowledge of word-processing, spreadsheet, and database applications.Knowledge of formative and summative assessment
  • Knowledge of basic descriptive statistics.
  • Skills to record, manipulate, and display data in appropriate formats (e.g., charts, figures, graphs, tables).
  • Skills to use web browsers to access voluntary state curriculum, online data, reports, and resources.
  • Ability to analyze data, to draw conclusions, and to make appropriate instructional decisions to improve student performance.
  • Ability to communicate conclusions derived from data and the rationale for instructional decisions.
  • Ability to interpret student and class performance data to ensure continuous improvement.
Detailed Task Information

  • Looking at the details of the task we find that there is quite a bit of data manipulation. Discuss with your partner how you see the data affecting your instruction.
  • Group Discussion of lessons and application of Standard IV

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Questioning Standard V- Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction

  • Design, implement and assess learning experiences that incorporate use of technology in the curriculum-related instructional activity to support understanding, inquiry, problem-solving, communication or collaboration.
  • Assess students' learning/ instructional needs to identify the appropriate technology for instruction.
  • Evaluate technology materials and media to determine their most appropriate instructional use.
  • Select and apply research-based practices for integrating technology into instruction.
  • Use appropriate instructional strategies for integrating technology into instruction.
  • Select and use appropriate technology to support content-specific student learning outcomes.
  • Develop an appropriate assessment for measuring student outcomes through the use of technology.
  • Manage a technology-enhanced environment to maximize student learning.
  • Candidate (teacher) will design, deliver and assess a lesson that integrates technology. The candidate (teacher) will videotape the lesson and complete reflections in an electronic format on the implementation of the lesson.
  • Applying Standard V to Instruction
  • The assessment task product will be examined in terms of seven proficiency indicators. The teacher candidate will:
  1. Assess students’ learning/instructional needs to identify the appropriate technology for instruction.
  2. Evaluate technology materials and media to determine their most appropriate instructional use.
  3. Select and apply research-based practices for integrating technology into instruction.
  4. Use appropriate instructional strategies for integrating technology into instruction.
  5. Select and use appropriate technology to support content-specific student learning outcomes.
  6. Develop an appropriate assessment for measuring student outcomes through the use of technology
  7. Manage a technology-enhanced environment to maximize student learning.
  • The task for this technology standard requires the following knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Knowledge of a variety of teaching and learning theories, instructional strategies and resources.
  • Knowledge of research-based practices for integrating technology into instruction
  • Knowledge of a variety of technology tools used in educational settings.
  • Knowledge of criteria for evaluating technology materials and media
  • Knowledge of local, state and national technology standards for teachers and students.
  • Ability to assess student achievement of outcomes aligned with local, state and national standards.
  • Ability to integrate technology and content with teaching and learning theories.
  • Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of technology use in the delivery of lessons.
Detailed Task Information

Process for Developing and Implementing a Technology-integrated Lesson

Lesson Overview Summary Sheet

Hardware/Software Checklist

  • It certainly seems that with the skills needed to produce a presentation there must be quite a bit of thought and evaluation involved. Actually, outside of "Evaluating technology materials and media to determine their most appropriate instructional use" all of you do the rest of things in the list. The only difference with technology infusion is the vehicle you want to use to get at the indicators (objectives). Discuss with your partner how you intend to configure your lesson with technology. Use Microsoft Word to record your thoughts and be prepared to share them with the group.
  • Group Discussion of Standard V

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Paradigm Shift

Paradigm 2

The Earth was created in seven days and what followed was the result of purposeful planning.

Darwinian Evolution-natural selection affects complex systems that have interacting rules.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Warm Up Blog

Let's Warm up!
Mental Calisthenics

1. Here's the starter for the day. Let's interact!

2. After viewing the tutorial, write a description of Passive and Active Transport.

3. This morning it's pH. I'll do the driving and you do the thinking.

4. It's time for Twinklebein! Tell me where the Professor is in error in his conclusions?

5. Deformed frogs? What's this all about? Let's see.